Page 9 - CICT Magazine e-Version May 2021
P. 9
CICT & CMCF donate custom wheelchairs CICT iy CMCF, ITF fYa%Ks.; fgksia lS%vlhska ;sfofkl=g
to 3 ITF-ranked tennis players tu lS%vdjgu iqúfYaIfhkau ksIamdokh lrk ,o frdao mqgq
mß;Hd. lrhs'
The aspirations of three of Sri Lanka’s internationally-
ranked wheelchair tennis players received a further boost lS%vdfõ §¾> ld,Sk mß;Hd.YS,sfhl= jk fld<U cd;Hka;r
with a donation of custom-made wheelchairs by Colombo nyd¨â€Ã¯ m¾hka; ^CICT& iy tys uõ iud.u jk phskd
International Container Terminals (CICT), a longstanding u¾pkaÃœia iuQyh ^CMG& úiska frdao mqgq mß;Hd. lsÃu;a
benefactor of the sport, and its parent company, China iuÕ YS% ,xldfõ cd;Hka;r uÜgfï frdao mqgq fgksia
Merchants Group (CMG). lS%vlhska ;sfofkl=f.a wfmalaIdjkag ;j;a Yla;shla ,enq‚'
Part of CICT’s continuing support to the Wheelchair
Tennis Programme of the Sri Lanka Tennis Association YS% ,xld fgksia ix.ufha ^SLTA& frdao mqgq fgksia
(SLTA), the three professional grade, titanium wheelchairs jevigykg iSwhsiSà ys wLKav iyfhda.h ,nd §fï
were presented to Lance-Bombardier D. S. R. Dharmasena fldgila f,i" jD;a;Sh uÜgfï ghsfÜkshï frdao mqgq ;=kla
(ITF Rank 62), Corporal Dissanayake Gamini (ITF Rank ,dkaia fndïnäh¾ D.S.R' O¾ufiak ^ITF fYa%Ks.;lsÃu
82) and Corporal Suresh Ranaweera (ITF Rank 101) 62&" fldam%,a Èidkdhl .dñŒ ^ITF fYa%Ks.;lsÃu 82&
who and have brought recognition to Sri Lanka at the iy fldam%,a iqf¾Ia rKùr ^ITF fYa%Ks.;lsÃu 82& hk
international level. All veterans of the Sri Lanka Army, cd;Hka;r uÜgñka YS% ,xldjg lS¾;shla /f.k meñ‚
these sportsmen are amputees and differently-abled due lS%vlhskag mß;Hd. lrk ,§' YS% ,xld yuqodfõ m%ùKhka
to injuries sustained in the conflict in the North. jk fuu lS%vlhska W;=f¾ .egqfï§ we;s jQ ;=jd, fya;=fjka
The donation of these wheelchairs, costing US$ 9000 wdndê;hka jQ yd fjkia yelshdjkaf.ka hqla; mqoa.,hka
(approximately Rs 1.6 million at current rates) took fj;s'
place recently at the Sri Lanka Tennis Association. The
funds for the donation were channelled through the weußldkq fvd,¾ 9000 la ^j¾;udk ñ, .Kka j,g wdikak
China Merchants Charitable Foundation (CMCF), China jYfhka remsh,a ñ,shk 1'6 la& jeh jk fuu frdao mqgq
Merchants Group’s CSR arm. mß;Hd. lsÃu miq.shod YS% ,xld fgksia ix.ufha § isÿ úh'
Commenting on the donation, CICT CEO Jack Huang fuu mß;Hd.h i|yd wruqo,a phskd u¾pkaÜia mqKaHdhOdr
said: “At CICT we have always believed in contributing moku ^CMCF&" phskd u¾pkaÜia iuQyfha wdh;ksl iudc
generously to worthy causes in Sri Lanka, and the j.lSï wxYh yryd ,nd .kakd ,§'
development of wheelchair tennis is one of our on-going
commitments. Our support to the SLTA has not only fuu mß;Hd.h ms<sn|j woyia olajñka CICT m%Odk
enriched the lives of differently-abled sportsmen and úOdhl cela yqjeka.a uy;d fufia mejiSh" CICT ys §
women, it has enabled them to bring glory to themselves wms ieuúgu úYajdi lf<a YS% ,xldfõ jákd wruqKq
and the country at international tournaments.†i|yd fkduiqrej odhl ùuhs" frdao mqgq fgksia lS%vdj
CMCF and CICT have together donated Rs 30 million to ixj¾Okh lsÃu wmf.a wLKav lemùï j, tl fldgila
the SLTA’s Wheelchair Tennis Programme between 2015 fjkjd' YS% ,xld fgksia ix.uhg wm olajk iyfhda.h
and 2019, becoming the main sponsor for wheelchair úúO yelshdjka we;s lS%vl lS%äldjkaf.a yd ldka;djkaf.a
tennis in the country. This support has enabled Sri Lankan Ôú; fmdfydi;a lr ;sfnkjd muKla fkdj" cd;Hka;r
players to participate in many international tournaments, ;rÕdj,s j,§ ;ukag;a rgg;a lS¾;sh f.k taug th
elevating the country to be ranked among the top 40 Tjqkag yels ù ;sfnkjd'
countries that play wheelchair tennis.
In 2016, CICT also funded the refurbishment of two Y%S ,xldfjys frdoa mgq q fgkis a ioyd mO% dk wk.q d% ylhd njg
international standard hard surface courts at the SLTA to m;fa jñk"a CMCF iy CICT tlja 2015 igs 2019 olja d SLTA
bolster the sport in the country. ys frdoa mgq q fgkis a jevigyk i|yd remhs ,a ñ,hs k 30 la
The Wheelchair Tennis Programme was initiated in Sri mß;Hd. lr ;fs Ã' fuu iyfhd.a h kis d YS% ,xld lS%vlhks ga
Lanka in 2003 as a rehabilitation programme for disabled cd;Hka;r ;rÕdj,s /ilg iyNd.S ùug wji:a dj ,eî
soldiers. Currently, Sri Lanka has 13 wheelchair tennis we;s w;r frdoa mgq q fgkis a lS%vdlrk rgj,a w;r mu% Lq
players who have secured international rankings. rgj,a 40 ;,= g Wiiùa ug YS% ,xldjg yelùs ;fs nkjd'
rfÜ lS%vdj kxjd,uS i|yd YS% ,xld fgkis a ix.ufha
cd;Hka;r mñ% ;fs hka h;q = más folla m;% is xila rKh lÃs ug
o 2016 § CICT wruoq ,a imhk ,§'
wdndê; fid,aodÿjka mqkre;a:dmkh lsÃfï jevigykla
f,i 2003 § YS% ,xldfõ frdao mqgq fgksia jevigyk wdrïN
lrk ,§' fï jk úg YS% ,xldfõ frdao mqgq fgksia lS%vlhska
13 fofkl= isák w;r Tjqka cd;Hka;r fY%a‚.; lsÃï ,nd